Travel Content Ideas For 2016

Travel Content Ideas For 2016

Travel content for the year 2016 is all about visual appeal, adventurous destinations and lots of tips and tricks that make travel planning a breeze for the readers. Here are some travel content ideas for 2016:

Provide Visuals

Travel is one industry where pictures do most of the talking. Put up one image with bad lighting and the ratings can drop dramatically. It is important to remember that all readers are very lazy when it comes to browsing the net; vividly beautiful images of pristine beaches, bustling cities, mellow grasslands and snow-capped mountains are the easiest way to hook in the reader and generate interest. These images also bring life to a website.

Provide Solutions

People like easy solutions to their problems, and easily available answers to their questions on a website make them want to stick around. The main questions associated with travel include, but are not limited to,prices in different destinations, travel time, medical issues and vaccinations for different places, weather and currency exchange rates.

Virtual Tours

There is nothing more fun and intriguing than being able to travel through a location that is many miles away from the comfort of one’s own home. Virtual tours and videos offering glimpses of a travel destination are a huge trend, more so because of the many travel bloggers online. Videos filmed on location or submissions of other travellers make for interesting travel content.

Travel Apps

It is no surprise that any content that comes with the added benefit of information about technology is sure to do well in today’s time. Mix travel with tech and inform all travellers about the apps that are available across different mediums- especially the free ones! Apps like Citymapper, Duolingo, XE Currency, Live Trekker and App In The Air are some of the popular ones.

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